
A Java Certification Course

People from of all ages and from all around the world study computer science. Of these people, some study the Java programming language and choose to challenge themselves by taking the Java Certification test and becoming a certified Java programmer. Me and my friends were all part of this group. In high school, after taking the AP Computer Science A course, of which Java is the main focus, we decided that we were interested in delving deeper into Java and learn more about the programming language and learn higher level applications of Java. We decided to tell our computer science teacher about this, and he introduced us to the Java OCA Test, which is one of the three levels of certification tests. While we were discussing the topic, our teacher realized that he saw great potential in us, and wanted to give everyone the opportunity to take the test. In the next academic year (2019-2020), our school offered a course that helped prepare for the test and at the end of the year, allowed every student to take the certification test at no cost. This was the first class in the nation, that was offered by a high school, that prepared students to take a certification test.

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